
Male infertility linked to a genetic mutation

   The male infertility linked to a genetic mutation: is what would be a new study the results of which were published in the magazine Science Translational Medicine this week.
According to the authors of the male infertility would be attributable to a genetic mutation which causes loss of protective coating sperm protein, so it falls prey to the system immune in his journey towards the egg.
   Infertility affects between 10 and 15% of the population, and in the half about these cases, the problem is the male fertility.
In 70% of men, it is not possible to predict their fertility on the basis of sperm count and routine evaluation of sperm quality.
As often happens, the authors of the study were conducting aother research when they came across a protein called beta-126 defensive.  This is a glycosylated polypeptide, a protein encoded by the gene DEFB126 known as, which behaves like a concealment device that allows the sperm to swim efficiently through the mucus in female reproductive tract in order to reach the egg without being detected by his immune system.
The protein is synthesized epididymis in the male, spiral ducts that direct the sperm cells mature and transport on their way from the testicle after being produced, to the vas deferens, where they are urethra initiated before ejaculation. And while I'm in the epididymis, in preparation stage to launch, say so, ejaculatory, who receive sperm their often protective layer of beta-defensina 126.
Researchers, as mentioned above, have come almost for case discovering as often happens, while a copy of DEFB126recombinant gene, but in their first attempt they found the gene that was affected by mutation a that prevented making protein. When, then, they used semen of a different donor, were able to protein do.
Insospettiti, or better yet, curiously, tested have the ability of sperm to swim through a hyaluronic acid gel, gel artificial made to resemble the human cervical mucus, and found that semen of handicapped two variants have highlighted a defective 84% reduction of penetration rate compared to other genotypes. When then added a layer of beta-126 defensive to defective sperm recovered they have their normal penetration.
This sequence variation in DEFB126 common, and its effect impaired 's apparent of reproductive function will allow a understanding best, clinical evaluation and, where appropriate, the treatment of human infertility.
   This research may open ports to a new and more interesting method to effectively and deal with a far more restrained spending, infertile couples who wish to have a son together, rather than the adoption avail.
There is however also considered that the male fertility has seen in recent years, a significant decline worldwide and that the causes are still almost completely unknown.
Research on male infertility
   As usual the hypothesis , are different. This reduction is attributed to the fertility cigarette smokepollution, for greater exposure to contaminants, a bad habit food; Everyone says it, but still not research has found response a that rips the veil of mystery that surrounds the issue.
The only thing certain is that, compared to other mammals, quality human sperm is poor quality, swims slowly and has a high percentage of genes defective.
This first research that has, quite casually, led to the identification of the person responsible for, or at least one of them, male infertility, will need later for a solution look at what is the real problem: a regress General of male fertility in the world.


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