
"Only silence opens our ear"

"Only silence opens our ear"
All our daily tasks necessarily require the use of organ of hearing even if we take for granted. The hearing is the only way that lets us know what's happening in our environment and this ability provides important advantages for survival for all animal species.
The structure of human society requires the use of oral language that relies on sophisticated and rapid analysis of sounds that compose, guaranteed by the structures of the ear and in particular ofinner ear, its electrical control unit.
Particular conditions of humidity, temperature, bathing in the pool or the sea and, last but not least, a poor hygiene of the auditory meatus, are perfect occasions to the onset of a ear infection due to, for example, a Earwaxaccumulation, which facilitates the stagnation of water and bacteria in the ear canal.
The presence of moisture, can be the ideal place for the fungi proliferation and can predispose the delicate organ an infection. In this situation it is important to a proper hygiene.Even traumas, due for example to insert foreign objects into the ear, as improper cleaning, carried out with cotton buds, may irritate the skin and cause inflammation of the ear, causing an otitis externa.
  The ear, is mostly unknown, however is a specific and important organ for two distinct functions:balance and the hearing.
There are three constituent parts: l' outer ear from constituted ear and external ear canal, has the task of collecting the waves; what medium, formed by tympanic cash that contains the hammer, anvil, and stirrup, is Deputy to receive and transmit vibration the produced by sound waves to the inner ear, which in turn transmits the stimuli to the brain resulting from vibrations and presides over the sense of balance.
It's the skin of the outer ear to be crossed by excretory ducts glands which secrete Earwax, on a yellow substance, bunastra acid, which plays an important protective action, antibacterial and antifungal, but that when it accumulates, leads to the risk of formation of annoying and often very painful caps.
Certainly we must clean the ear canal, but without the use of chopsticks, because they can damage the eardrum, irritate the meatus and push ear wax inside, thus increasing the risk of forming a plug.
Hygienea correctof the external ear instead relies on the use of periodicals and washes with specific solutions on particular attention to soften the Earwax softeners with instilling drops the head bent opposite ear.
A recommendation to keep in mind is to avoid, or rather, do not use, foam protective caps: stagnating air and moisture can irritate the external ear canal, facilitate attack of germs and the formation of earwax plugs that we're just trying to avoid. Even the bones and tissues skull of contribute to the transmission of sounds. Thesound wave of one's voice heard by others is transmitted from the air and received by the timpani, while the subject itself that speaks, is transmitted by the structures of the skull. The sound waves propagate at a speed of about 130 meters per second, while on the water speed is close to 1400 feet per second, this has no impact on the sound quality anyway.


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