
Superior Health Council: Yes to five days after pill

   She arrived yesterday, following the decision of the Supreme Council of Health, the official news: green light to pill of five days after, the new drug can inhibit ovulation up to 120 hours following sexual intercourse.
The pill does not represent precisely a drug abortive and was judged in line with the law 194 abortion, as long as you make with a test that the woman is already pregnant for a previous relationship. "Abortion – explained that the Supreme Council of Health-is the removal of the embryo already nestled in utero, which occurs after the sixth or seventh day by a report potentially at risk."
   On the contrary, the pill that will come soon on the market can be used before encountering any nesting, while later loses its effect. This is why it is not within the possibility of abortion.
Sure, there are of course the criticism coming mainly from the Church. Cardinal Elio Sgreccia stated: "it's an abortion to all effects, an abortion of refined malice: a morning after pill", 5 times that "intercepts the process plant already started and then a living being, because life begins with fertilization. I hope – concludes that this cardinal – deliberates responsibly rejected by the Government. "
   Contrary opinions aside, the pill has already a EllaOnename:. Will be sold in pharmacies by prescription and is more precisely a drug composed of ulipristal acetate, a antiprogestinico that inhibits or delays ovulation. If the fertilization of the egg has already occurred, however, the pill has no effect.
After the Ru846, then, comes an additional measure even more "emergency": If in the first case, in fact, it was necessary to take the pill within 72 hours, here the term temporal stretches up to even five days. But must still be taking the as soon as possible to act on his anti-progesterone.


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