

   Nutrigenomic study nutrition linked to genetics or how the food is able to provide information to our genes. Is a new science of evolution with a relapse on public health in the coming years.
Nutrigenomics lets you customize nutrition and the use of dietary supplements that are specific to each individual through the study of biological effects of nutrients on gene level; It is thought that this science is able to make valid contributions about lapatogenesi and the development of disorders related to the diet.
In perspective, implementing a precise and customized program aimed at prevention rather than cure diseases already in place, you can slow down the aging process and preventing various diseases.
   Recently the completion of the human gene map, with the coding genes, highlighted that every individual possesses the 99.9% of the same DNA, while in the remaining 0.1%, there are important differences. These differences are for the most part from variations in DNA sequences (with a single base substitution) and constitute the cosiddetti polymorphisms, SNPs wedge (single nucleotide polymorphisms-Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms) that can affect, among other things, the way in which a person can respond to the environment and diet. There are about 3,000,000 of SNPs in the gene pool of a person, with differences in the expression of our DNA, which can act, for example, change the response to a drug, to eliminate toxins or an outbreak of a disease, worsening or improving the body's aging process.
   Polymorphisms can make every individual is unique and unmistakable: the resulting individual differences may explain why not all react identically to the various nutritional and environmental stresses.
Many recent studies have shown that chemical molecules contained in foods are able to act on the genome, both directly and indirectly, alter gene expression and structure of the Messenger. Individual genetic variability, determining how nutrients are absorbed and metabolised, underlying the peculiarities of each in respond to molecules incorporated into the body and, in General, the food and life styles.
   Genes determine our vulnerability (genotype), while what we assume with nutrition and our way of life determine how these vulnerabilities will be able to influence the quality and length of our lives (phenotype)
Therefore, in the context of a multifactorial evaluation of various diseases, a major importance is taking on the relationship between the genetic component (role of certain genetic polymorphisms) and the various nutritional and environmental components that may raise the risk of developing diseases.
  Today, according to a new State-of-test type, made on DNA from the cells of the mucous membrane exfoliation of the oral cavity, you can evaluate individual susceptibility to metabolic diseases such as obesity and diabetes, diseases of cardio-respiratory, immune and nervous system.
  According to the answers of the test you will be able to prescribe for each patient: a series of supplements (specially). a personalized diet (propriogenotipo), created specifically for each of us, with a suitable life style, that can prevent and/or delay many diseases, slow down the natural ageing process. You can get information on the degree of aging of the individual, on the metabolism of drugs and hormones on biological age, in order to reprogram their genetic destiny.
Multiple genes that are properly investigated, exercising fundamental roles in many metabolic processes.
   For lipid metabolism (APO A1, APO B, APO E, ...)For the metabolism and obesity (ADRA2B Gene, ADRB1, ADRB2, ADRB3, NPY, PPARG, ...)For the metabolism of Homocysteine (MTHFR Genes, MTR, MTRR, ...)For the inflammatory response (the-!B-6, IL-10, ...)For the antioxidant response and detoxification (MnSOD Genes, SOD3, GSTP1, ...)For bone metabolism and osteoporosis (VDR Genes, COLIA1, ...)
   To be more clear we do some examples: polymorphism of MTHFR gene, for example, as reported, is involved in the mechanisms that lead to the production of homocysteine, a molecule that, when present in high amounts in the blood increases the risk of thrombosis and cardiovascular diseases. Those who have a certain gene variant type benefits of diets rich in folic diacido the omocisteinae, which reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease. To work around these issues will be recommended a diet rich in spinach, broccoli, biete, cereals, pulses and adequate folic acid supplementation.
   The gene of Interleukin-6 (IL-6) encodes a cytokine action pro-inflammatory, involved in the regulation of inflammatory response in both acute and chronic: the polymorphisms involving this gene are, for example, a risk factor for heart attacks.
   The vitamin D receptor (VDR) is involved in calcium homeostasis, and in the mineralisation of bone, with an implication in the absorption of calcium. Would increase the amount of Vit. D 3 with diet taking egg yolk, milk, cod liver oil, etc. beside suitable products to offset this problem supplements.
From The??analysis of polymorphisms of trancription factors, PPARs (which are involved in the??other mechanisms of adjustment of??insulin resistance) it can intervene in prevention of metabolic syndrome and Diabetes Mellitus.
So the gene polymorphism of Neuropeptide Y (NPY) has an important role in regulation of energy balance and on the mechanism of food intake.


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