
Convallaria majalis (Convallaria majalis l.)

   Featuring wood, heat, damp Spring being embraced. And the threads of the Pearl from the wind each tremble. Round buds still closed and acorns are tight, but the Sun unveils cartoons from the bells of spring.
Nature spelenutyj, carefully wrapped in a leaf, a flower in the wilderness is pristine, cool, fragile and dusist. Spring forest ranneu, shackled and all happy melancholy, and all of their he gave bitter fragrance flower.
S.ya Marshak Landysh
   Lily of the Valley is not only beautiful – it is a popular folk instrument from various heart diseases, neuroses, hysteria, headache, insomnia, hemorrhoid or other bleeding, pain in the heart and stomach. Drugs were widely known as the lily-of-heart, soothing, jelchegonne, spazmoliticeskie, and in the official medicine.
   Leaves, grass and flowers of lily-contain heart glycosides konvallotoksin, konvallozid, konvallotoksol, konvallarin, irritating saponin kidneys and intestines, maalin, slabitel?no, an alkaloid, asparagine and citric acid, Malic. Plant is poisonous.
Infusion of fresh flowers do better: take a glass container with a narrow neck, lily-flowers to pour three quarters and fill up medical alcohol (90%). Close lid and insist within 2 weeks. take 10-15 drops 3 times per day with heart diseases with distinct neurological phenomena Insomniac. Brandy also has diuretic, sedative and anti-inflammatory effects.
   From Lily-herb broth in Siberia do bath with rheumatism.
Tincture of 15 g colors in 200 ml of boiled water washed the eyes.
Everyone from lily-flowers and roots of Valeriana in treating paralysis: 2 tablespoons lily-flowers and 1 tablespoon of roots of Valeriana insist 15-20 days in 0.5 kagora, take 15 ml of 3-4 times a day for 30 minutes before a meal.
Lily-supplementation contraindicated in severe organic changes of heart and vessels, acute miokardite and sharply expressed kardioskleroze.


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