
Oil of Calendula

   Say, when there was no chestnuts, Cupid often come within the purpose, and to help for Arman to consider, the goddess Venus scattered human on Earth beautiful shiny seeds. Of them have grown big trees. Since then, every spring, when it's time to love, revealed large leaves-paws and keep "fingers" brightest flashlights to arrows of Cupid, flew into the goal. Apparently, this spring the elderly Cupid is "village" vision – so many "svececek" lit trees!
   Well, it is necessary to enjoy the gifts of nature! Horse chestnut, in General, is its gift-it medical best: bark, leaves, flowers, fruits, green shell with spikes,  but this is a separate conversation. We need to collect flowers, in pharmacies to buy them is difficult.
   The flowers are separated from foiled cauliflowers use both fresh and dried. Drying should be the first day in the Sun, and then – in the shade or in a well-ventilated area. You can use the juice from fresh flowers, Cook, collect pollen. The question is, why do we all need it? The flowers are rich chestnut horse flavonoidami, tanning and pektinovymi substances.
Horse chestnut flowers tincture has anti-inflammatory and pain-killers.
1. 40.0 g of dried flowers chestnut 1.0 l 40% alcohol – used for rubbing into joints and rheumatic
2. 20% tincture raw flowers on 40% alcohol – 5 ml 3 times per day with tromfoblebite (plus outwardly) and hemorrhoids.
3. flowers, canned Juice 40% prior to 1: 1 or 1: 2-?-1 tea spoon 3 times a day 1 week with tromboze vessels of the eye.
4. Juice flowers 25-30 drops per 1 tablespoon of water to 2 times a day when varicose veins on the legs and swelling of cones.


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