
Blood test predicts the risk of metastasis in patients with melanoma

   In its new research scientists from Yale University installed a large probability that blood can be used to predict the risk of the development and spread of cancer or metastases in people suffering from skin cancer, scientists have analyzed. blood by 216 people including 108 patients with metastatic melanoma and 108 patients with stage 1 or 2. Consequently, it was found that the biomarkers were higher in patients with metastatic melanoma patients with the disease at an early stage. In fact, 76% of patients with early stage disease should not be any better biomarkers has been increased, while the 83% of patients with metastasis, at least one of the handles. The ability to use blood tests to predict the likelihood of metastasis in patients with melanoma will be more cost-effective than current methods of monitoring, which includes a number of procedures of visualization, medical examinations and researchers report Dr. Iman Osman, Director of the interdisciplinary melanoma program at New York University, blood tests, believes that the idea of a blood test to detect metastatic melanomaas "an important and clinically significant."-"data are interesting, but there are some domandeche has not yet responded," said Dr. Osman. -"How often these analyses need to repeat what are reliable?"According to the Association in the United States, 68130 people were diagnosed with melanoma in 2010 and 8700 died of illness. Most deaths from melanoma are the result of metastasis. The risk of metastasis varies from less than 10% for patients with melanoma in Phase 1A up to 70% with stage 3 c.


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