
Human Papilloma Virus, discovered a vaccine effective

   HPV, Human Papilloma Virus, uterine cancer. The fight continues and researchers go ahead: from Sydney, Australia, the latest recent discoveries regarding the HPV, for which it was found indeed a vaccine effective, able to prevent the spread of the tumor.
The team of researchers, which has operated on the basis of Victorian Cytology Service Registries, verified as in girls under the age of 18 years vaccinated there are a 38% chance in less of premalignant lesions in relation to their peers before the advent of the vaccine.
Experts have also pointed out that this is the first report that found the decline of these lesions beginning of the vaccination campaign launched in Australia in 2007.
   This study, published in the journal "The Lancet" will be followed by numerous tests in the coming months "to prove the effectiveness of the preventive vaccine against cervical cancer."
To mention are Mona Saraiya and Susan Hariri of the Centres for Disease Control and Prevention in Atlanta: an "cancer-go – employs many years to develop. The Papilloma virus (HPV) is a viral agent that can cause genital infections and can predispose to the development of a cancer of the cervix, for approximately a thousand deaths each year. "
   Among other things is interesting to know that even in Italy for some years, began the campaign of vaccination against the HPV vaccine that provides free girls from 11 to 12 years. It is rare that the tumor is shown with all types of Hpv are present in bivalent or quadrivalent vaccine. For this reason, therefore, the care are turning towards the girls more young age, rather than against women in old age.


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