About herpes now knows most of the people. In the 20th century it from visible satellite diseases and fevers in severe illness and this reputation slowly moved in century XXI.
Naipace that the herpes lik, and in an age of seductive shifts it fully opened its second person — genital form. Genital herpes became one of the most common sexually transmitted diseases and, alas, women mucatsa them twice.
"Our constant companion" herpes and genital form) claimed at least two millennia. Specifically that age the first mention of "septicaemia". For many centuries remained genital herpes is relatively rare disease, because the primary method of distribution . But infected genital herpes man almost loses opportunities news sex life because of soreness of affected mucous membranes. So was the natural insulation of a sick person who from the powerful.
And the situation deteriorated in the past decade. For some reason. Massive temper the incidence of herpes in recent years depends on a subset of adverse factors. Bad Agroecology is a weakened immunity. Social events-decline in living standards — carelessness has been blamed on the individual. Tempting permissiveness is the peak of all STDS, including herpes.
(A) and herpes, not dremal all years. Found the new more terrible form and variation, adapted to medicines. The main problem of herpes is that now he is now most often masked under other diseases. It may come as urethritis or prostatitis in men or women of genitourinary system. And for years a person can be treated, not from what he suffers (the benefit of any snaraditsa treatment, really).
In fact, it will list the symptoms that you have cheerleaders and become a pretext for a visit to the doctor. Thus, sexual Herpes found via 2-14 days after infection. All these symptoms may be accompanied by the rise of paleotemperatury and General ill health. Then formed bubbles filled with clean liquid, which soon cracked. In their place there will be little painful ulcers.
The incidence of genital herpes form varies and depends on the age and category. For example, the more susceptible in genital herpes that the black population of our planet — almost five times more. Phenomenally suffer them children. But in the 14-15 years, as well as before, almost seven per cent of teenagers had already "familiar" with genital herpes. (A) by 30-40 years, the number of media reaches 30 per cent.
Social level means not only the possibility of contamination and the possibility of treatment. All recognizable now products against Herpes (but this is not only ointments, and parenteral and oral inherently benefit that small doses do not become treatment need to rate any exacerbation of such exacerbations, but possibly up to 3 – 4 – thirty days For the course of treatment lasts 6 to 7 days, goes almost continuous reception of the products that are prohibited from taking a reduced number of medicines (saving money or spare body)-treatment is inadequate and, consequently, ineffective.
But a long treatment of products have a nasty surprise: they can "bring" the ovaries. Well but at times (in severe cases), to reduce the number of repetitions of almost ponedel?nyh to a few per year, viral products you need to take several years outsourcing large portions.
Home location also influences the disease genital herpes and other STDs. Having permanent sexual partner, a chance to grab a genital herpes are not so many. You only need to remember and genital herpes become mutually-penetrating form.
Find Herpes in force anatomical evidently more complicated, but painful usually settled at other ladies and more. But there is no proper diagnosis. On this sick women Herpes than men.
Running genital herpes often leads to neplodia. Essentially yes it scary for pregnant and birthday parties. This is why all the more modern physician and a physician is not after and before the birth of the child. But, according to the world statistics, in the early stages of pregnancy, impairment of genital herpes in every fourth form precedent leads to abortion and late — already the wife of precedents. The benefit of so the child is born at the time of the impairment of genital herpes, it catches the virus still in hereditary means mother. And herpes birthday parties — the disease.
So it is better to avoid genital herpes, but at the slightest assumption — specialist to diagnose and treat. Accurately, destroy his body entirely unrealistic. All the advances of modern medicine are addressed only to block him, spawn, in other words delete deterioration — the emergence of such treaties. Well, but the main thing is to strengthen immunity. He and saves you from infection, and left to fight the virus, taking his ability to "blossom" and spawn too often.
If you have chronic sleep and eating disorders, it is entirely likely. But they may not appear, in time to take concrete steps to this.
First, we need humanity every day doing cool compresses to the eye. Swabs are worth making tea or an eye for an cucumber circles.
Apply to the eye cream, which feeds on Thein. This cream makes the skin elastic.
Do some eye massage on a daily basis not less than 5 minutes. For massage take the hands cream, spread it at one's fingertips, but gentle movements to massage the arrows that also massage the area around the eyes.
For refreshment person must apply a light plate and white drop shadow to the eye. Nametite on endogenous corner eyes bright shade and under the edge, to otvarennogo and look, but then good, feather.
To mask black circles under the eyes of a good use of konsilerom. For the procedure is 2 tone brighter concealer on a yellow color. Concealer is gentle, movements on territory under the eyes.
Different scents help dry. To a draw in the pleasant during the day, spice. To eat something when the next meal, draw odors before and during food.
The point is that by the end of the day the expedient of consciousness "falls asleep", "hard" only emotional. Here it is, and will force us to gorge, not even the pripahivaa of this report. Smells usmiraut appetite, because that Act specifically on emotional divisions of the brain, says sunhome.
Tehnara inhalation: hold one nostril and soorudite three deep breaths other then change the nostril and repeat the same thing. For "diet" reach-aromaticnogo. Keep-near.
While hand once again potanetsa for sandwich either chocolate batonom, let natknetsa the inhaler. At the first stage of "treatment" – up to 300 daily.
Quite often change smells – addictive reduces the effectiveness of the method. To better understand their habits in food, keep a diary. Eat warm food.
Today, approximately one third of the world's population is more than two billion people – are any form of hepatitis. Every year, the virus destroys the human thyroid, die, millions of people – the data from the World Health Organization
Many people have no idea that hepatitis b virus are different, they transmit to others, even not knowing about this. And at the same time, hepatitis can long years "to sleep" in the body, and then intensified, provoking the disease cancer, and, in the end.
Treatment of chronic disease broadly distributed worldwide, but something ordinary people with no special education, know very little about it.
Who decided to rectify this omission, and in 2011 was the first time marked the day with hepatitis. It was agreed to start campaign to make people better to understand the invisible enemy, they have to play.
Today there are five vidnostej hepatitis. (A) and (E). the most common form is hepatitis b – it is a subset of the methods or feeding. In contrast, hepatitis e is moving through the water, infected food, and more often seen in the countries of the third space.
Hepatitis b is the main cause of various diseases of prostate and lung cancer.
Broadly disseminated hepatitis type a and da are worth applying and hepatitis d. hepatitis E vaccine available but was not widely planted and this form is relatively rare.
Until recently, MIGA scientists did not know, after drinking too much alcohol, the person may perform various things and then forget about it. According to statistics, similar failures in memory can last from several minutes to several years.
Now yes neuroscientists from medical desatiletki State University have identified brain cells involved in the data memory failures, and the mechanism responsible for this. How to appear, a large number of alcohol does not kill brain reads. Fuel affects key receptors. It provokes release of corticosteroids, which inhibit LTP is the process of strengthening communication between neurons and important from the perspective of teaching and memory.
This mechanism involves the NMDA receptors glutamatom, passing the signs between neurons, explains Jokitosi Izumi. Too strong or too reduced NMDA receptor initiative it is possible to create a toxic effect.
Alcohol also slows down the receptors, and then activates the others. As a result, neurons vykovyvaut corticosteroids to stall the LTP and memory. That it came out, a lot of alcohol.
If you have chronic sleep and eating disorders, it is entirely likely. But they may not appear, in time to take concrete steps to this.
First, we need humanity every day doing cool compresses to the eye. Swabs are worth making tea or an eye for an cucumber circles.
Apply to the eye cream, which feeds on Thein. This cream makes the skin elastic.
Do some eye massage on a daily basis not less than 5 minutes. For massage take the hands cream, spread it at one's fingertips, but gentle movements to massage the arrows that also massage the area around the eyes.
For refreshment person must apply a light plate and white drop shadow to the eye. Nametite on endogenous corner eyes bright shade and under the edge, to otvarennogo and look, but then good, feather.
To mask black circles under the eyes of a good use of konsilerom. For the procedure is 2 tone brighter concealer on a yellow color. Concealer is gentle, movements on territory under the eyes.
Today, approximately one third of the world's population is more than two billion people – are any form of hepatitis. Every year, the virus destroys the human thyroid, die, millions of people – the data from the World Health Organization
Many people have no idea that hepatitis b virus are different, they transmit to others, even not knowing about this. And at the same time, hepatitis can long years "to sleep" in the body, and then intensified, provoking the disease cancer, and, in the end.
Treatment of chronic disease broadly distributed worldwide, but something ordinary people with no special education, know very little about it.
Who decided to rectify this omission, and in 2011 was the first time marked the day with hepatitis. It was agreed to start campaign to make people better to understand the invisible enemy, they have to play.
Today there are five vidnostej hepatitis. (A) and (E). the most common form is hepatitis b – it is a subset of the methods or feeding. In contrast, hepatitis e is moving through the water, infected food, and more often seen in the countries of the third space.
Hepatitis b is the main cause of various diseases of prostate and lung cancer.
Broadly disseminated hepatitis type a and da are worth applying and hepatitis d. hepatitis E vaccine available but was not widely planted and this form is relatively rare.
From a strong coffee with a hangover may become worse. Coffee by nature is a weak diuretic, this reinforces the dehydrated after taking alcohol. Short invigorating coffee effect is useful for shallow hangover.
Opinion of people who consume alcohol that the wedge must knock wedge. But malop?usij people usually aversion to all liquors. Abstaining from alcohol is already regularly pohmel?no-withdrawal syndrome, which is the primary symptom of alcoholism. Such, indeed, to feel better, a new dose of alcohol.
The optimal method to remove the phenomenon of hangover is to drink packaging activated carbon, and fifteen minutes, drink a glass of fresh brine . You can just eat salted cucumber.
Reason: heredity, gross violations, abuse and salty food, alcohol, smoking, stress.
Several recipes from stomach ulcer:
-to reduce acidity 2 times a day for 30 minutes before a meal to drink 0.5 cup boiled potato juice
-no restrictions you can drink goat's milk
-helps broth from blooms of Calendula, Chamomile, kiprea and repeska: take 2 article l. This collection, fill two glasses of boiled water, insist, strain and drink 3 times per day after meals
-even when running for, if 3 times a day
-chop the green pine cones, pour vodka 1: 3, insist 7 days and drink for 1 l. 3 times a day for 30 minutes before a meal
-useful to drink juices: beets, carrots, red cabbage, Aloe, adding to them more honey and Cahors
-gastric bleeding for 1 dessert oak, and salad fill 2 glasses of boiled water, insist and drink per day
Diagnosis of HIV infection was diagnosed Brown 1996, when he was about 30 years. A year later to HIV was leukemia. In 2007, in Berlin Brown, underwent bone marrow transplantation from a donor. A year later neodnakratnye analyses showed the lack of it in the body as signs of leukemia, or HIV infection. According to Dr. Jay levy (University of California, United States, Brown can be considered completely healthy person.
Donor bone marrow stem cells became a man, apparently with immunity against HIV infection. This phenomenon is only 1 per cent of the people of the white race. So far it is only the unique fact.
I want to offer a recipe that is very useful for the liver and is struggling with parasites. Prepare a syrup made from wormwood. Bunch of fresh bitter wormwood (100 g) fill a litre of cold water and bring to a boil and boil for 30 minutes at low heat in the closed ware. Strain, add 0.5 kg of sugar or honey. Boil syrup. The cooled syrup to store in a cool place. Take 1 teaspoonful 3-4 times a day before a meal.I think that this syrup can be prepared from dry wormwood, bought in pharmacy.
And yet the recipe, but to clean the liver: 1 kg of crude pumpkin, 2 large lemon (I took 400 g) skinned, but pitted, 1 glass of cranberry, through the meat grinder. Add 1 kg sugar. All mix well and put in the Bank. Keep in the refrigerator. Take 2 St. spoons for 15 minutes before a meal. Actually, I think it's a tasty mix will help not only to the liver, the whole organism with vitamins in the spring. And yet I make fruit salad and add this mixture instead of refuelling. Very tasty!
Hawthorn (fruit)-2 St. convallaria majalis-spoons, 2 St. spoons, gnaphalium palustris — 2 St. spoons, humulus lupulus-1 St. Spoon, peppermint-1 St. Spoon, valerian (root)-2 St. spoon. 3 art. Spoon collection add 800 ml of boiled water, boil30-60 seconds per hour, we insist. Take the 60 ml infusion 4 times a day. You can also use the second and third infusions, Bay left after straining herbs boiling for 7 hours. Take these infusions too on 60 ml 4 times a day. Probably more convenient to cook from the collection of infusion: 3 St. Spoon collection add 500 ml of vodka, insist in a dark place within 2-3 weeks, shaking, we periodically. Take 25 drops 3 times per day.
Tilia cordata-2 St. Spoon, watch bean — 3 tablespoons, Dewberry (sheet), article 4. spoons, thyme creepy — 3 tablespoons, Rosemary officinalis-3 t. spoons, rue-1 St. spoon. 3 art. Spoon collection add 1 l of boiled water, boil 30-60 seconds, insist within an hour, we. Take the 60 ml 7 times a day. Can also use the second and third infusions of the same portion of the collection. You can use the infusion: 6 st. to insist on the collection of 700 ml of vodka within 2-3 weeks; take 25 drops of tincture 3 times a day.
All we once heard about drugs that raise the immunity of yogurt with the same properties, such as juices and other products. Talking about it on television, in advertising on the Internet, we recommend to doctors. It would seem that easier, take on tablet per day or per week during the influenza epidemic, and immunity. And as it is a shame, when spending a considerable amount of money on immunomodulators, we, at the first meeting with the disease. Idle work force, we spend a day on antibiotics or antiviral.
Now, every year, the virus becomes more aggressive, illness is heavier, gives a lot of complications. So why don't operate expensive medication to induce immunity? There can be several reasons. Maybe the drug purchase of counterfeit products: no one is immune. Can manufacturers Boggle, giving us the statistics of miraculous influence of the drug.
Has long been clear, for example, that the vitamins from the pharmacy is worse than the same vitamins from fruits, berries or meat.
Immunity also. There are many natural ways to raise immune system effectively. To do this, just need to understand that such immunity and how best to help him.
Immunity – this is a natural internal protection of our organism from various alien Tel: viruses, bacteria, fungi, parasites, toxins.
Nature is planned that certain mechanisms in our body must record the appearance of the harmful and attack them, destroy. Immunity also struggles with cancer cells that appear frequently in our body. He simply kills.
The organs of the immune system include lymph nodes, tonsils, marrow, selezenku, intestines, certain blood cells.
Unfortunately, it often so happens that the mechanisms of immunity declines fail to find during the alien agents and neutralize them.
From which the immunity is weakened?
The modern rhythm of life risk exists everywhere. This stress and unhealthy lifestyle (smoking, alcohol), bad ecology, hypothermia, severe stress, eating disorders, are not regenerating spent the day energy and vitamins. As well as antibiotics.
Weakened defenses and after any disease, including chronic.
What to do?
Let's start with the obvious. It should be possible to reduce consumption of harmful substances: excess drugs, nicotine, alcohol, artificial food dyes and other additives.
A workout, even a 5-minute charging each morning during the month will give a positive effect. More go, there is the possibility to take over the city, a breath of fresh air.
And, of course, eat properly. This decision by almost all the problems. The body simply needed nutrients: proteins, vitamins, amino acids, mineral substances and fats. Total fat – this is your first step to disease. For the normal work of the organs of enough and 10-15 grams per day.
Be sure to eat protein: it is necessary for the production of immunoglobulin organism – important
elements of immunity. The protein contains all essential amino acids for us. This is not only vegetable protein (cabbage, broccoli, beans) and animal (meat, milk).
Drink a day for at least 1 glass of kefir, fermented baked milk, yoghurt soup or yoghurt (natural). Dyes and preservatives are useful for immune cells. The use of fermented milk products will help you to create useful microflora, which would enhance immunity.
Eat products containing phytoncides: onions, garlic, horseradish, black currants, blueberries, tomato. Phytoncides (or vegetable antibiotics) kill microbes, fungi, bacteria, stimulate the immune system.
Eat more foods containing vitamin c. recently went to fashion during sickness to drink in large doses of vitamin c. doctors claim that this is not worth it, because with no cures from the flu. This is so. But vitamin c strengthens immunity: increases development of antibodies and interferon, protects blood vessels during sickness. So he indirectly helps with disease. It is found in citrus fruit, kiwifruit, bananas, pickled cabbage, ukrope, petruske, broth rose ...
Do not avoid attention vitamin a. one of its functions is to improve the work cell-phagocytes. Enough to eat during the week of the liver, in which vitamin a lot.
In addition you in support of camomile tea. It has long been used in the pereohlazdeniah, with the disease. It is a powerful immunomodulatorom. Drink it in the cold periods and during colds.
The last thing I want to suggest is hardening. Experienced people have much less frequently and disease runs from them easily. Locate the program quenching suitable for you, talk with your doctor. Start with reduced temperature.
Using the combination of drugs targeted against specific proteins that attack tumours and avoid the indiscriminate destruction of cells typical of chemotherapy could be the next frontier of cancer therapies. Some preliminary studies show that the combination of targeted treatments (such as Herceptin with Tykerb lung cancer), might be effective in patients who don't respond to only one of the drugs administered. Targeted therapies act as a sort of "smart bombs", attacking the cancer cells without harming healthy ones while chemotherapy affects indiscriminately normal and diseased cells. The combination of Herceptin and Tykarb is one of several possibilities under those treatments. According to j. Baselga (University Hospital Vall d'hebron, Barcelona), all chemical models suggest the superiority of combinations of drugs, although lacking experimental data to support this hypothesis. M. Socinski (University of North Carolina) considers that, since almost all cancers are caused by a multiplicity of factors, face them with a combination of targeted drugs is the right approach. Currently several research groups have planned clinical trials with various combinations of anticancer drugs. Some of these drugs are attacking a single factor (e.g., Avastin hits the VEGF protein, cutting off the supply of oxygen and nutrients to cancer cells), while others affect multiple targets (like Sorafenib, a drug for the treatment of kidney cancer). Will the results of the research underway to clarify the real effectiveness of therapies based on combinations of drugs compared to alternatives currently in use.
If for some individuals making a choice is often difficult, regardless of the importance of the decision itself, this may be due to indecision and the way in which brain cells assign a value to different elements. Researchers at Harvard Medical School in Boston have identified several neurons (brain cells) that play a role in the way in which individuals operate their choices. Scientists knew that cells in different areas of the brain respond to attributes such as color, taste or quantity. Researchers have identified neurons involved in the allocation of values used to operate the choices. Neurons that have been identified so far encode the value that the subject assigns to the elements available to make a choice; identified neurons encode the value assigned when individuals operating choices based on subjective preferences. Scientists have found neurons in a brain area known as bark orbitofrontale during a study of macaques, seats in the State of having to choose between different flavors and quantity of juice. Researchers have correlated the choices of animals with the activity of neurons and the value assigned to different types of drink. For example, some neurons showed high activity when animals have chosen grape juice or Apple juice. Other neurons instead seem to be involved in the evaluation of orange juice. The choice of beverage made from macaques could be based on the activity of these neurons. Previous research on the brain area showed that local lesions can cause eating disorders, obsessive-compulsive tendencies to gambling and abnormal social behaviour. New findings show an association between the activities of cortex orbitofrontale and the mental process of making a choice. It is believed that deficits in the ability to choose can be caused by a malfunction of this population of neurons, although the hypothesis should be verified with further research
According to a report by the World Health Organization, female circumcision, which is currently used on more than three million girls each year causes complications during delivery and cause an increase in mortality in infants. The UN Agency argues that women who have undergone this practice (female genital mutilation), have proved more vulnerable to 70% of postpartum hemorrhage with fatal outcome compared to the other. Furthermore the study (involving 28,000 women admitted to the centres of obstetrics in six African countries where the practice is common) revealed an increase in risk of death for infants of 55%. According to j. Phumaphi (who), for the first time data are available that demonstrate the serious consequences on the health of women of this practice. According to the who, 20 children on 1000 in Africa die at birth due to circumcision of mothers. Currently it is estimated that women subjected to genital mutilation around the world are about 100 million. This practice is particularly prevalent in 28 African countries, but also in some areas of the Middle East and Asia, as well as among migrant communities in Europe and North America. Is carried out on girls around ten years old, often without anesthesia and in precarious hygienic conditions with exposure to infections of various kinds. The who is opposed to the idea that this practice is carried out by medical personnel in conditions of safety; second Phumaphi would be the worst thing possible. Many African Nations have enacted laws against female circumcision, but with a lack of effectiveness in terms of results. Often, for local cultures, circumcision is the guarantee of chastity before marriage and fidelity to her husband, but is also a rite of passage to adulthood.
As emerges from a search, children aboard cars involved in accidents are more likely to survive if, instead of simply use seat belts, travel protected by other systems (such as special seats). According to D.R. Durbin, co-author of the study, parents should be aware that the use of appropriate security systems at the age of small passenger is the best method to protect them in case of accident. During the search, Durbin and colleagues examined data about 965,000 children aged 2 and 6 years, involved in vehicle accidents from 1998 to 2003, with a severity level such as to render the vehicle inoperable; about one child in a thousand died in the accident. Less than half (45%) of children traveling secured on special seats or other device other than safety belts. These systems, according to the analysis of the data done by the team led by Durbin, 21% reduce of the risk of death of young passengers. Also, not counting the cases of misuse of devices, the benefit is even more marked, with a risk reduction of 28% compared to the sun belt. One of the problems is that safety belts are designed to optimize safety of adults, not children. It is necessary that the parents are convinced that the time it takes to ensure their children's safety seats is absolutely well spent, since these tools offer little security better.
Cumulative exposure to lead can cause cerebral white matter degeneration; You might as well explain the progressive decline in brain functions found in people exposed to this metal. The white matter of the brain contains the axons nerve fibres, surrounded by myelin, a white substance. The myelin acts as an insulator and increases the speed of transmission of nerve signals. More is a high exposure to lead of a subject (detectable by the accumulation of metal bones), will be the worst brain damage over time, according to a study by w. Stewart (Pennsylvania, Geisinger Health System). The Stewart is one of the earliest research showing how exposure to lead may cause progressive damage even after many years. After you have found a connection between exposure to lead and a progressive decline in intellectual function, Stewart and his research team investigated to check for the presence of structural changes in the brain, subjecting to NMR 532 men who had worked in a chemical industry for the production of lead-based additives for fuels. On average the exposure to lead of subject lasted eighteen years. The researchers found that the severity of the abnormalities in white matter is proportional to the intensity of the exposure to lead. The causes may be different. Metal exposure could accelerate the changes normally related to ageing, but might also be related to hypertension, which in turn is connected to the deterioration of brain cells, or even directly damage cells. Stewart hopes to be able to identify better the action mechanism of lead on human brain with future research. The difficulty, at this early research, was also given by the fact that the subjects were exposed to lead not only in the workplace, but also in everyday life, because of metal present in paints and environmental pollution.
A class of drugs used to fight hypertension, considered safe even in the early stages of pregnancy, could increase considerably the risk of birth defects. These medicines, ACE inhibitors, were considered at risk only after the third month from conception, but this belief is contradicted by a study conducted in Tennessee, which has been considering 30,000 births and was published in the New England Journal of Medicine. According to the study, since often, in the first two months, women are not aware of ongoing pregnancy, these drugs should be avoided by anyone who is more likely to become pregnant or intend to do so. W. Cooper (Vanderbilt University School of Medicine), who led the research, believes that the analyzed data suggest that the use of such drugs in these circumstances is not secure, and therefore should be avoided, especially since there are other types of medications for the treatment of hypertension in pregnant women. The researchers found that among the 209 women who have taken one of the medications (ACE inhibitors) during the first three months of pregnancy, the 7.1% gave birth to a baby with severe malformations. In contrast, among the 202 women who have taken other drugs for the control of hypertension, the percentage of birth defects was equal to 1.7%. The overall rate of defects in infants between 29,096 women who have not taken any hypertensive pregnancy was 2.6%. According to Cooper, the sample is limited, but the risk is however easily avoidable. According to j. Friedman (University of British Columbia), the results must be confirmed; Friedman believes that this study does not represent the final word on the subject, but it is surprising that it is the first time that this issue is taken into account. In general, very little is known about the effects of drugs on foetuses, also because American health authorities do not require this kind of checks before approving the deployment of a new drug. Furthermore, according to Friedman, the voluntary system for the identification of effects is inefficient and often misleading; This however does not prevent doctors to prescribe certain drugs to pregnant women.
A group of Canadian researchers has developed a set of guidelines with the objective to avoid hospitalization for elderly residents in nursing facilities affected by pneumonia. To verify safety and feasibility of this therapeutic approach, m. Loeb (McMaster University, Hamilton) and her colleagues have chosen ten facilities followed the guidelines, while the other ten continued to follow the standard procedures. When a patient showing symptoms of pneumonia, the staff of the nursing home could make a chest plate using a mobile unit. Following the new guidelines, the staff had to determine whether the patient was able to feed themselves properly and had to check their heart rate, respiration, blood pressure and oxygen level in blood. If even one of these parameters was not satisfied with the levels set out, you had to be hospitalized; According to Loeb, in fact, at that point the transfer to a suitable structure is indispensable. Otherwise, the patient was transferred to the hospital and treatment was administered at the nursing home. The study covered 327 patients in Group guidelines and 353 in the structures that have followed the standard procedure. The shelter was carried out for 34 patients of the first group (10%) and 76 of the second (22%). Mortality rates were similar for the two groups (respectively 8% and 9%). At the end of the study was carried out a series of interviews on patients and their families; There has been a general preference towards the treatment inside the home. Furthermore, according to Loeb, avoid hospitalization enables considerable savings on health spending. The next step, according to Loeb, is the further development of this method for large-scale application.
Asthma is a disease that affects the bronchial tubes, reducing the air passage and consequently the respiratory capacity. The asthma attack is caused mainly by respiratory infections, allergies or by physical efforts of a certain level.While about three children who suffer from asthma are two males, in the case of adults this share tips. The reasons for this situation have not yet been clarified.Currently several studies are in progress on adult asthma patients in severe form; the greater incidence of the disease on women has emerged in this circumstance. Some believe that hormonal differences play an important role, while others attribute this imbalance to the different dimensions of the lungs.The researchers also found that children suffering with asthma have still a good lung function; for this reason sometimes did not come to a timely diagnosis of this disease. In fact, one of the parameters for the diagnosis of asthma is the FEV 1 (exhaled air volume in one second), which measures the amount of air that a person can exhale in one second. When the level of the FEV 1 is less than 60% of the norm, we are faced with a severe form of asthma. In a recent study, the mean value of FEV 1 for adults with severe asthma is a result of 57% compared to the norm, while that of sick children is a result equal to 74%, but many have reached 90%. On the one hand, this means that the lungs of little ones keep still a good feature when compared to those of adult patients, on the other hand that the diagnosis of asthma is more difficult; the doctor is likely to underestimate the pathological condition of the patient.